Minimum Viable Product
Since ‘The Lean Startup’ we have seen Minimum Viable Product’s become all the rage. There are many definitions and interpretations floating around about what and MVP is and what it isn’t.
What all these definitions have in common is that an MVP is a simple, basic version of your product that you can actually put in front of your customers.

Startup Stash Tools
How you will build your MVP and what type of MVP you will build totally depends on your business and your customers. Unfortunately there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Luckily, because of the popularity of the MVP concept, people have been developing tools that allow you to get your MVP up and running quickly. Startup Stash has a good collection of some of these tools that will work well as a starting point for you to start developing your MVP.
And if you really want to be creative, think about how can you combine existing tools and services to create your MVP so you can start testing?