
Find time with our Mentors

Looking to find some time with one of our mentors? Want to bounce some ideas or hash out a problem with an unbiased and trained ear?

Well, you’ve come to the right place. Use the links below to find a time with Jordy, Hannah or Thomas

Meet Jordy

Jordan Gian

From Instagram to brick and mortar, Jordan uses his design capabilities to grow his portfolio of businesses and global companies. Jordan started his journey by opening a chain of SME’s including co-working spaces, small bars, design studios and retail spaces by leveraging social media tools before turning his attention to helping others do the same.

Jordan delivers his insights through simple and easy to understand stories and tips.

Meet Thomas

Thomas Anbeek

If you are looking for insights into the tools that our global disruptor’s use to scale their startups, Thomas is your guy. From growing Startup Victoria into the worlds 3rd largest startup community to uncovering the methodologies needed to succeed in this fast-moving landscape, Thomas combines both into usable curriculum and tools for Now as well as Victoria University. Plus, he has a pretty wild moustache.

Meet Hannah

Hannah Gee

From leading teams through significant growth, to implementing a surprising emotional skills learning suite into over 50 companies, Hannah, has all things purpose and sustainability covered. By taking her learnings from her time as Director of both The School of Life and Inspire Group across Australia and New Zealand, Hannah ensures that Now remains connected to the purpose. Plus she’s got a mean right hook if your looking for a boxing partner.